When marketing moves online the traditional rules are either
broken or extended. Such extensions include the need to take into account
privacy, security, the greater ability to customise and personalise user
experiences, the changing nature of consumer behaviour and the interaction of
online and offline mediums. Marketing online is a subject that many companies
now have to consider, and the subject would create a useful marketing Assignment.
More specific subjects are suggested here.
How can firms customise their products? The case of Apple.
How can firms personalise their products? The case of Nike.
An assessment of the value of assortment to customers: The
case of Dell Computers.
How does a consumer’s perception of control affect their
choice of brand? The case of buying computers online.
How does visual constituency affect site identity and
product attitude?
How does gender effect website preference?
How can firms successfully combine online and offline
shopping features? The case of Amazon.com/Toys-R-Us.
What product attributes are most valued by consumers in
search, comparison and purchase decision-making online?
How do consumers react to brand alliances online? The case
of Amazon.com and Wal-Mart.
An investigation of the antecedents of consumer behaviour in
online auctions? The case of eBay.
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